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Scientists warn that the days of food supplies are numbered. According to the reports, there is now less than three decades left for the global food resources to last.

It is estimated that over 150 million people across the world are affected by dire food crisis. In fact, our food resources are getting emptier day by day due to a variety of reasons, from adverse environmental causes such as global warming and extinction of several animals to the mass squandering and wastage of food.

The food calamity has reached to this extent that scientists have now established a doomsday clock or countdown. Created by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (which was launched in 1945 by Albert Einstein, along with the students of the University of Chicago), this clock indicates (in this case) the exact number of days that the world will completely run out of food, i.e., 27 years and 247 days (as of April 27th 2022.)

According to Edward Osborne Wilson, the award-winning American microbiologist from Harvard University (who passed away in 2021), it requires two earths or similar planets to fulfill the current food demands and supply of the population. He said, “If everyone agreed to become vegetarian, leaving little or nothing for livestock, the present 1.4 billion hectares of arable land (3.5 billion acres) would support about 10 billion people.”

lady Buying Fruits

For Edward, the only possible remedy as per an interview given to the New York Times is “To save biodiversity, we need to set aside about half the earth’s surface as a natural reserve.”

There are many other books and studies that hint towards the major upcoming food crisis and how it will lead to a dire food shortage by 2050.

Professor Julian Cribb, the author of the publication – ‘The Coming Famine:

The Global Food Crisis

and What We Can Do to Avoid It,’ made an appalling prophecy that the food crisis would arrive even quicker than climate change. He is of opinion that the lack of food supplies is mainly due to the high demand of food and the scarcity of non-renewable resources such as energy and water.

Food wastage in alarming rates is one of the major factors that lead to food crisis.

As per the relevant reports put out by the USDA’s Economic Research Service, about 40% of foods in the US are squandered. This wastage occurs at every level, right from the farming (production) and supply stage to the retail and consumer stages, especially when people tend to hoard supplies and later discard without using them. Not to mention, it is unfortunate that over one third of foods produced is wasted both before and after it comes to consumers. This means that majority of foods produced land in garbage before they reach a hungry stomach. Add to this exhaustion of natural resources.

This is largely because of the inefficient and overuse of resources like land, water and soil. The relevant studies reveal that the planet has now lost a major chunk of topsoil (which is the upper segment of soil with the significant amount of vital microorganisms.) Increased rate of food waste also impacts the environmental damage as the foods that go into the landfills rot and lead to the tremendous emission of greenhouse gases.

Fruit Salad

With just less than three decades is all left, it is now time to take action. Minimize the food wastage in first place by implementing the right strategy in every stage, right from the production to the consumption. While food wastage is completely unavoidable, they can be effectively recycled to be used as animal feed, clothing, bioplastics, compost etc. Along with these, the most appropriate measures must be taken to limit the over exploitation of the planet’s ecosystem and resources.

Intrigued by the breathtaking beauty and unbelievable diversity around the world, Shambhavi has taken the agenda of inspiring travellers to embark on their new journeys with passion and information. She has a pen in one hand and a camera in the other. She is a food-enamoured introvert who is fond of plants, reads fiction and taps feet to Bollywood music.

  • 6 thoughts on “Are we Looking Towards A Global Food Crisis in 27 Years?
    1. Avatar for Shambhavi Sisodia

      I am thankful to you for bringing such an important topic to my notice through your blog. Frankly speaking, I have never thought on this line. Like me, there must be millions who are busy in their in unimportant things. I wish your blog reaches out to more and more people so that there is a general awareness about the food crisis that is staring at us all. From now on, I swear that I will not waste food and limit the use of natural resources.

      • Avatar for Shambhavi Sisodia

        Thank you for whatever you’ve committed to. I am hopeful that every single person can do his/her part to prevent the food crisis that we’re going to face after few decades.

    2. Avatar for Shambhavi Sisodia

      Hey Mate ,
      I really hate to see people splurging and wasting food. Whether they are eating in a restaurant or in an event as a guest, they take too much on their plates without thinking whether they can finish the food or not. This results in leftovers and wastage of food. Let’s hope your post will bring them some sense and they stop wastage of food.

      • Avatar for Shambhavi Sisodia

        I agree there are people who have big eyes than their stomach. And the worst part is, they enjoy wasting food thinking that it’s a sign or privilege of the rich.

    3. Avatar for Shambhavi Sisodia

      Hi Shambhavi,
      A very thought-provoking blog. it’s high time now that we all start thinking about the new ways to grow and preserve food. Otherwise, the day is not long when our future generations will have to face a herculean task for procuring food. I really appreciate your effort to highlight such an important issue as well as concern for the citizens of the world.

      • Avatar for Shambhavi Sisodia

        You’re right that we all should act now and get serious about the imminent food crisis. I think inventing more options to grow and preserve food will be a great gift to our future generations.

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