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World’s Most Dangerous Hikes You Should Try in Once

by Chetan Jadhav
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Aonach Eagach Ridge in Scotland

Adventure and adrenaline rush go hand in hand. There are many people in the world whose weakness is their adrenaline rush. Their thirst for adventure is never-ending and the wonders of this world give them all the more reasons to venture out on an adventure voyage, no matter how dangerous it may be. Hiking trails are regarded as one of the most adventurous but dangerous sports. Here’s a list of some of the most dangerous hikes of the world that ideally should never be dared but still witnesses a lot of adventurous ones. We bring you a list of some of the most dangerous hikes in the world. Read on.

Most Dangerous Hikes in the World

  • Drakensberg Traverse, South Africa

Drakensberg Traverse in South AfricaCredits: rickmccharles flickr

Considered to be the mother of all Berg hikes, Draneknsberg is roughly 220 km across the main range. An expert hiker takes anywhere between 6 to 10 days to complete this hike. Though extremely beautiful and scenic, the surroundings also pose a major challenge with highly unpredictable terrains. The expansive stretch of terrain which is jagged and the steep cliffs are capable of taking your breath away, and in some cases literally.

  • Huayna Picchu, Peru

Huayna Picchu in PeruCredits: traumlichtfabrik flickr

Demanding a few casualties every year the risky trail of Huayna Pichu mountain has danger at every step of the hike. It is also infamously known as the “hike of death”. To climb it one has to get past the granite staircases getting up to 1000 ft in less than just a mile. If you think you can easily climb this, you’re mistaken as on the way you have to brave the exposed corners, slippery stones, and rotting crumbling rocks. Clouds that often give a breathtaking view are also one of the biggest hurdles of the trek. Tip: don’t look down while coming back as the steep way down often paralyzes the travelers with a fear of slipping and falling down.

  • Aonach Eagach Ridge, Scotland

Aonach Eagach Ridge in ScotlandCredits: breakbeatalex flickr

One of the most iconic island scrambles of Scotland, the Aonach Eagach Ridge is a dangerous knife edge 4-mile route crossing 2 large mountains. Full of grassy slopes and steep scree, the trek can be fatal if the trekker is not adapt to deal in bad weather. The Aonach Eagach Ridge has so far consumed 2 lives and is one of the very dangerous hikes of the world, but for trekkers who braved to reach the top has been rewarded with the most majestic views of their lives.

  • El Caminito del Rey, Spain

el caminito del rey in spainCredits: Wikipedia

Known to be one of the most vertigo-inducing trails of the world, the El Caminito del Rey was built over a hundred years ago. Although the part is closed for the public, adventure enthusiasts still climb it. The biggest challenge of the trek is the sections which have crumbled over time and hikers have to brave over 10 foot of missing sections by spidering. The path hangs over 100 feet and looking down can be the most fearing task for many. While it is officially closed and applications are made to reconstruct it in the future, until it happens, the El Caminito del Rey for sure is one of the dangerous hikes in the world.

  • Mount Hua Shan, China

Mount Huashan ChinaCredits: whenonearth

Known as the most dangerous hike in the world, the plank trail to the dangerous South Mountain allows you only wooden planks to hook up yourself with an iron chain and trek. Also at one point the wooden trail’s end and trekkers have to hook up to divots, small in size carved in the rock. While there are no official statistics of the number of deaths on the way, it is believed that over 100 people die there every year making it the deadliest hike in the world.

  • Cascade Saddle, New Zealand

Cascade Saddle in New ZealandCredits: nuzzaci

Some views are worth taking the risk of dangerous hikes, but the Cascade Saddle will give you a second thought for sure as the risk is still way greater than the reward of the view. It is an 11-mile trek to be completed in 2 days through risky alpine meadows and beech forests. The most casualties happen not while climbing but while descending back. The wet and slippery rocks have claimed many lives and applications are being made to either close the route forever or make it safer for people.

  • Maroon Bells South Ridge, Colorado

Maroon Bells South Ridge in ColoradoCredits: Clare Reda Flickr

Now popularly known as “deadly bells”, Maroon Bells South Ridge from the look of it does not look very difficult but with over eight people losing their lives climbing this so-called easy trail has proved that Maroon Bells South Ridge can be fatally deceptive. The tricky part of the trail starts after you reach 11000 feet and from there the higher you get, the rougher it gets. The snowfields are cunning and the rocks are loose, rotten and slippery; they can kill without warning. Even expert climbers have been deceived and tricked by the Ridge and killed before they knew it.

  • Devil’s Path, New York

Devils Path in New YorkCredits: hotmamahikers

For those who don’t believe there can be a deadly hiking trail in NewYork, the devil’s path is a perfect example, as it’s every inch befits its name. Over 24 miles long, this deadly trail’s major portion includes a 6 mile long trip up to the Indian mountain. The unrelenting, steep climb needs expert hikers only as the fragile ones are prone to either fall off or die of a heart attack. There are sections where even the expert climbers have difficulty holding the slippery roots, but mostly it’s the only way out. It is full of spots where a small fall or a tip-off can be fatal. To reach the top, you have to brave the knee-deep mud, watery route, and mossy rocks too. At least one casualty is reported from it almost every year.

The above mentioned and many more trails have claimed lives, made people handicapped for life, but people still come back to them and climb them. While most would say its suicide, climbers do it for the reward of the speechless beauty that comes in the life of only the brave hearts.

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