Home » Travel Stories » Netflix –2021 Top Wanderlust-inducing Thriller Adventure Travel Movies

Netflix –2021 Top Wanderlust-inducing Thriller Adventure Travel Movies

by Rezmin
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Thriller Adventure Travel Movies

Ok, so you love adventure movies. No, you don’t have to explain why. We get it. It’s the thrill of living vicariously through the adventures on screen, especially travel adventures. Imagine the thrill of travelling to distant destinations with a backpack on your shoulders and feasting your eyes on vistas full of beauty and sometimes threat. Do you feel cosy and safe on your couch as you live through the actors’ eyes? Netflix knows about your secret longing, which is why for 2021, we bring you a fabulous list of thriller adventure

time travel movies

to inspire your wanderlust. So come check out this list – it is now time to get off that couch and live those travel adventures yourself.


AmelieImage Credit- Wonderful Cinema

Amelie is a quirky, whimsical young Parisian woman, who rejoices in doing random acts of kindness for her neighbours and friends. While the storyline is sweet and enchanting, it’s the shots of Paris that’ll make you want to pack your bags immediately. Amelie’s overactive imagination makes you view Paris from a magical perspective. It’s an uber-modern city and yet in this movie, you’ll get to see Paris’s old town rooftops with the Eiffel Tower standing straight amongst them.


BoyImage Credit-pinterest

It’s the 1980s, and New Zealand is still developing. The amazing landscapes, grass greener than a grasshopper’s wing are all untouched – as it all still is. The boy is about a boy living with his grannie along with a bunch of brothers and sisters. The Boy is 11-year-old Alamein, who spends his childhood dreaming of his dad whom he thinks is an adventurer, enjoying fabulous adventures. In truth, his dear ole daddy is in prison and when the boy finds it out, his world is crushed.

The Way

The wayImage Credit- Impawards

Thousands attempt the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage in Spain every year. It’s a long trek and a life-changing one at that. Emilio Estevez is a young man who’s off on the trail in pursuit of enlightenment. His father, played by Martin Sheen, finds out that his son died tragically along the way and decides to go collect his ashes, which means he has to complete his son’s trek. This movie is all about how the father learns of his son’s life, thoughts, purpose in life, and the life-changing impact that travel has.

Eat Pray Love

Eat-Pray-LoveImage Credit- New On Netflix USA


If you haven’t read Elizabeth Gilbert’s memoirs yet, please do so now. It talks of how she left her busy city life behind to seek understanding, freedom of thought and peace in the east. The movie, which stars Julia Roberts, shows the leading lady seeking answers on her travels through Italy, India, and Indonesia. The scenery is mindblowing, as are the learnings and understandings that the protagonist earns on the way. By the end of the movie, you’ll be itching to pack your bags and take the same route.

My Octopus Teacher

My Octopus TeacherImage Credit- SusanGranger

This is an original Netflix documentary, which justly won the 2021 Oscar for Best Documentary Feature. Craig Foster, the freediver and filmmaker brings to life the habitat of a kelp forest-living wild octopus outside of Cape Town, on Simon’s Town coast. This coast’s beaches are filled with enchanting penguins; the waters are aqua blue, and the kelp forests are richly green and ancient. Even as Foster learns about the area’s marine population, he observes the octopus and applies what he learns. It’s a lovely adventure, full of scintillating landscape shots and absolute manna for a travel lover!

Casino Royale

Casino Royale

Image Credit- Amazon

Ever been to the blissfully blue Lake Como in Italy? Or Prague, Venice or the Bahamas, for that matter? If you haven’t, then you must watch Casino Royale, a fab Bond movie out of the 24 recently released to Netflix. Watch the dashing MI6 agent whooshing through these exotic places in search of his prey. The sheer splendour of the surroundings will take your breath away in each of the scenes.

Into the Wild

Into the WildImage Credit-Auralcrave

This movie was actually nominated for an Oscar and here’s why! Emile Hirsch, the actor, plays the role of Christopher McCandless who decides to hitchhike across North America one day. He meets up with many adventures and a few dangers. His route takes him through California, North Dakota, Utah, Colorado, and several other states of the U.S. He finally lands in Canada on foot, and we cannot think of a more beautiful country than that. McCandless was a real person who decided on a homeless life. The bus he used as a home is now in the Museum of The North in Fairbanks. In real life, he finally dies of starvation, but you’ll take plenty of food with you, won’t you?

Lord of the Rings

Lord Of The RingsImage Credit-fandom

We simply cannot end this blog without a mention of Peter Jackson’s magnum opus – the Lord of the Rings. In this trilogy, you can treat your eyes to the simply mind-blowing New Zealand landscape. This incredible region is rife with forests, mountains, rivers, glaciers and the most incredible colour of green you’re yet to see. The true star of this magnificent movie is New Zealand’s magical lush landscape. LOTR literally has put New Zealand on the tourist map. If you haven’t watched this trilogy yet, stop making excuses, and simply log on to Netflix. You simply cannot skip watching LOTR. We recommend this movie the must-see of all the

travel movies to watch on Netflix in 2021


Nowhere in Africa

Nowhere in AfricaImage Credit-Filmaffinity

If you have any preconceived notions about Africa, they will disappear. A beautifully shot German movie with English subs is about a Jewish family that settled in Africa after escaping the Nazis. They settle in beautiful Kenya and run a farm there. You’ll see amazing African landscapes and wildlife and witness the many dangers this family experiences in the Kenyan wilderness. This movie will not just inspire your wanderlust, but will also open your eyes to the way things were.

The Motorcycle Diaries

The Motorcycle Diaries

Image Credit-Moviesunchained

Are you a fan of Che Guevara? Then you must watch this incredible movie set in South America. Witness Guevara’s journey from being an idealistic doctor to becoming a much-feared revolutionary. Gael García Bernal plays the role of Guevara. Feast your eyes on the sights of the desert, the rainforests and the incredible natural landscapes of South America. Witness the period’s poverty and backwardness and rejoice in the raw truth that the movie delivers.


Travel adventure movies are a great way to experience the world’s delights while sitting in your cosy Lazy boy chair. So lean back, put your feet up on the footrest, grab a beer, or two, and turn on Netflix. Celebrate these movies, and keep your eyes on more of their kind. Netflix keeps coming up with tons of new stuff.

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