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Coronavirus and Travel: What You Should Know

by Rajkumar Gaikwad
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Now probably the most talked-about global issue is the new coronavirus or COVID-19. With tons of information about the topic (both fake and real), it has created a kind of panic and pandemonium among people, thus affecting almost all industries including travel and hospitality. So if you’re confused about whether you should plan your much-awaited holiday or put off your already confirmed upcoming travel or holiday plans, let’s us help you with this post, which covers everything about this new virus, including its origin, symptoms, precautions plus cure and top destinations to avoid or consider for a safe journey.


What Is Covid-19 And Its Possible Source?

While the experts are still trying to figure out the source of its disease, it’s believed to have been originated from a food market in China’s Wuhan in December 2019. Since then, it has made its way to over 100 countries across the world, affecting over 130,000 people in a span of three months. And this disease has now been declared as a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO).

That’s just a brief intro about its impact; let’s now jump to the real topic what really it’s? COVID-19 indicates a new type of virus, belonging to the coronavirus family which is commonly found in birds, mammals and reptiles. In fact, coronavirus is common to occur in animals, although it’s rarely transmitted to humans from animals. The earlier cases of coronaviruses in humans were reported with the detection of SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) in 2003 and MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) in 2012.

This new virus was first named novel coronavirus and later came to be known as SARS-CoV-2 after the scientists identified the strain of coronavirus behind it. When someone comes in contact with this virus, the disease is known as COVID-19. While some say it came from bats and some say it’s from snakes, its source of origin is still debated or remains unclear.

Covid-19 – How It Spreads, Its After-Effects & Symptoms

This disease mainly affects the respiratory tract and its most common transmission mode is from person to person. For instance, when a coronavirus-ridden person coughs or sneezes, its droplets may enter the mouth or nose of other people who are within a radius of six feet. But that’s not the only way it gets spread; it’s very likely that one can get infected by placing his / her hands on nose, mouth or eyes, after touching an object or surface (such as doorknobs, shopping trolley, mobile phone, laptop, table, chairs etc) contaminated by the coronavirus.

Once it enters the body through the respiratory tract, it starts to work by infesting the cells around your throat and lungs. From there, it takes over more cells, making it more severe. There is an incubation period, indicating the period from the start of infection to till it displays the first symptoms. It ranges from 2 to 14 days. However, the symptoms vary from person to person. In mild cases, it usually shows normal flu-like symptoms including sore throat, fever, body ache etc. But when it becomes severe, it produces pneumonia kind of symptoms and even leads to multiple organ failure and death only in critical cases.

Common Symptoms

It displays most symptoms of a lower respiratory disease, such as:

  • Mild fever becomes severe as the disease progresses
  • Sore throat
  • Body ache
  • Persistent cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • Difficulty in breathing

Can It Be Treated & Who Are At Most Risk?

While healthy adults and kids are more resistant to this virus, this may adversely affect elderly people above 65 to 70 years as well as anyone suffering from medical conditions including cardiovascular ailments, diabetes, respiratory diseases, and liver-related ailments. Apparently, most cases see full recovery with proper, meticulous medical care and attention.

More About Cure And Prevention Tips


Many drug companies have claimed that they have come up with a cure for coronavirus. However, this is not true as they have been warned by the Food and Drug Administration for wrong information. There is not any vaccination developed for this disease so far. Once a patient is diagnosed or suspected of this virus attack, he or she will be isolated to prevent the further spread of the disease. The cure is focused to treat the symptoms and is based on the treatment provided for usual respiratory illnesses, but this largely depends on the severity of the disease.

Prevention Tips

Prevention is better than cure! Yes, this classic saying applies to this condition as well. You can keep this disease at a bay by following these simple tips:

  • Be sure to wash your hands frequently using soap and water for minimum of 20 seconds. This is a must when you cough, sneeze, come out of the bathroom etc.
  • Keep a hand sanitiser ready to use in the absence of soap and water. But, make sure that your sanitiser contains at least 60% of alcohol.
  • Avoid hugs, kisses, handshakes etc, and don’t touch any object or surface unnecessarily.
  • Avoid dealing with animals.
  • Avoid visiting crowded places and friend/family gatherings until the situation becomes controllable.
  • Be cautious while you take your dirty hands to face, mouth, nose and eyes.
  • Avoid sharing your personal belongings or items such as plates, cups, cutleries etc with anyone.
  • Properly cleanse or disinfect any space or surface that is likely to get infected or contaminated fast, such as kitchen counters, tabletops, phones, computer accessories (like a mouse, keyboard etc), toilet fixtures etc.
  • Use a pair of disposable gloves during the cleaning process.
  • Wear a mask if you’re sick or share a workplace or transport with a sick person.
  • Most importantly, skip outside food and instead eat healthy, homemade food. This will help to boost your immunity system, thus preventing the disease to an extent.
  • If you’ve a cold or fever, keep a check on your symptoms and self-quarantine or self-isolate if possible.
  • Don’t delay seeking medical assistance, if symptoms get worse.

Is It Okay To Travel During Corona Outbreak?

Well, this solely depends on your personal preferences or the urgency of your travel. Although it had tremendously affected China in the beginning, the case of new infections in the country has now declined. But it now seems that the European and Asian countries such as Italy, France, Spain, Iran and South Korea are the most affected by this pandemic. As the list of countries hit by coronavirus is now evolving, make sure that you thoroughly analyze the situation, along with the policies, treatment and safety measures implemented by the government or authorities of the destination that you’re planning to visit.

How To Remain Safe While Traveling?

Amidst all chaos, you can assure yourself of a safe, healthy journey by adhering to these safety tips.

  • It’s great that most airports and major airline service providers across the world have stepped up their cleanliness and hygiene standards. That doesn’t mean you’re absolutely safe; in other words, you should take care of yourself to avoid any contact with viruses and diseases.
  • Regardless of the transport or travel mode, make sure that you take all precautionary measures by carrying all essential items to combat its outbreak.
  • Viruses can remain on surfaces for many hours; so wash your hands frequently with soap and water.
  • Avoid touching your nose, eyes or face in general with unwashed hand, particularly after you use lift buttons, pull-down table in the aircraft etc.
  • If you’re not able to wash your hands during travel, use a sanitiser to disinfectant your hands.
  • Use a tissue to cover your nose and mouth while coughing or sneezing. And of course, don’t forget to dispose of this tissue and wash your hands immediately.
  • If possible, opt for a window seat over the aisle seat as it has more direct contact over the possibly infected passengers.
  • While some hotels/airline companies have introduced special fee waiver policies in the wake of coronavirus outbreaks, be sure to ask your service provider about the policies in case you’ve to cancel or postpone your travel dates. Also, check with your travel insurance company if they cover the expenses of any cancelled trip or disruption in travel that transpires as a result of this disease.

PS: While these are our suggestions, know that some of the countries have imposed travel bans just to stop the further spread of disease; so make thorough research before you proceed with your visa application and other travel procedures. Also, check the website of the World Health Organization (WHO) to keep yourself abreast of the latest COVID-19 updates.


Despite its quick spread, it’s praiseworthy to note all the efforts, tight airport screenings and incredible safety measures implemented by the local government bodies as well as the major authorities across the world to combat and control this epidemic. While our top recommendation is to limit travel during this outbreak time, make sure that you take appropriate measures and abide by all travel policies/precaution steps as advised by the authorities to ensure safe, coronavirus-free travel.

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