Fifteen Temples in Cambodia with Marvellous Architecture

Angkor Wat

The largest religious monument worldwide is renowned for its towering spires and intricate bas-reliefs.

Angkor Thom

This grand capital city houses the iconic Terrace of the Elephants and the Bayon with its enigmatic smiles.

Banteay Kdei

Explore the “Citadel of Chambers,” adorned with an extensive carvings and atmospheric corridors.

Banteay  Srei

Also known as the “Citadel of Women,” this historic temple displays exquisite pink sandstone carvings.

Bayon Temple

Popular for its gigantic stone faces and intricate carvings, highlighting the intersection of earth and heaven.

Beng Mealea

A hidden gem with a partially collapsed structures and an overgrown jungle invokes a unique sense of adventure.


Ascend the steep steps of this pyramidal temple and discover its former grandeur elements in the heart of Angkor Thom.

Phnom Bakheng

Witness the grand spectacle of beautiful sunsets from this hilltop temple along with spectacular vistas of the neighbouring Angkor area.

Prasat Kravan

Admire the unique brick towers and well-preserved bas-reliefs depicting Hindu deities.

Preah Khan

Discover a maze-like corridors and intricate carvings of this massive temple complex.

Pre Rup

Ascend through the steep staircases of this ancient temple for enjoying mesmerizing views and appreciative red brick architecture.

Preah Vihear

This historic temple perched on a cliff supplies panoramic views and a remarkable example of Khmer architecture.

Ta Prohm

This ancient temple embraced by tree roots offers a marvellous blend of ancient architecture coupled with mother nature.

Ta Som

Explore the tranquillity of this historic temple adorned with fig trees and an amazing restored eastern entrance.


Marvel at the elegant and charming proportions and exquisite carvings of this ancient temple dedicated to Lord Shiva.

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