16 Interesting facts about scotland


Scots English, Scots, and Gaelic are the three languages spoken in Scotland.


Scotland is an age-old nation in Europe, approaching its centenary.


Scotland is the birthplace of the raincoat.


Scotland has a variable climate, allowing you to experience rain, sunshine, wind, cold, and heat all in a single day!

National Animal

The unicorn is Scotland's official animal.


The flavorsome dish of Chicken Tikka Masala has its roots in Scotland.

Haunted City

Edinburgh is recognized as one of the UK’s most haunted cities.

Fascinating Fact

Scotland has one of the largest concentrations of redheads.

Historic Fire Safety

Edinburgh is the world’s first city to establish an official city fire brigade.

Natural Wonder

Scotland is rich in natural wonders that are as varied as the UK’s tallest peak (Ben Nevis), tallest sea stack (the Old Man of Hoy), and one of Europe’s oldest trees (Fortingall Yew).

Higher Education

Scotland is one of the few destinations where higher education is provided free of charge.


 St Andrews Links, Europe’s largest public golf complex, is in Scotland.

Food and Drinks

Scotland’s national drink, whisky, is famed all over the world.


Scotland hosts the world’s shortest commercial flight, whose travel duration is just 90 minutes.


Scotland’s most-awaited Edinburgh International Festival is among the largest festivals for the performing arts globally.

Scott Celebrities

Did you know some iconic celebs call Scotland their home.